
The term Reiki is a Japanese word to describe an original system of healing, developed by Dr Usui in Japan early in the 20th century.

The Reiki means ‘Universal Energy’.  Rei means god, creator or spirit, Ki is the energy that fuels life force energy, in other traditions this is also known as Chi or Prana.

Reiki is a non-invasive therapy whose purpose is to treat holistically and to restore homeostasis.

Reiki is not a religion, a cult or based on belief, faith or suggestion.  It is also not affiliated with any religion or religious practice.

How can Reiki benefit me?

Reiki can help us cope by encouraging relaxation and bringing balance to both mind and emotions.  Benefits reported by Clients include deep relaxation, promoting a calm, peaceful sense of well being on all levels.

Reiki can encourage and support personal inner harmony and balance, regular Reiki treatments promote a calmer response to life’s challenges.  Reiki can enhance everyday living, and regular sessions may help to promote development of a healthier, more resourceful state of being.

Reiki’s gentle energy is easily adapted to most medical conditions and may be used safely by people of all ages, including the newborn, pregnant mothers, surgical patients, the frail and the elderly, in any situation.  Being complementary, Reiki works effectively alongside orthodox healthcare and natural remedies, expanding treatment options.

Re-energise with me